Gledwood's favourite video clips from Youtube and other sites.

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

KLF 5-minute Docu

The KLF burned £1,000,000 cash in front of a group of invited journalists and filmed the experience.

This might explain a little of why ...

A potted history of the KLF, the K Foundation etc.


Guilherme Lukaszewski said...

Seu novo blog está muito legal. Obrigado pela visita e te espero mais algumas vezes para saber as últimas novidades da música mundial. Sempre que eu precisar ver um vídeo, irei ao seu blog com certeza.Tento fazer sempre um trabalho que agrade a vocês , internaltas. Qualquer sugestão e reclamação, deixe um comentário. Conto com você para deixar o Seu Mundo Na Música cada vez melhor.

Gledwood said...

Which (barebonesedly) translates via Babelfish as -::-

Its World In Music said...

Its new blog is very legal. Debtor for the visit and I wait you plus some times to know the last new features of world-wide music. Always that I to need to see a video, will go to its blog with certeza.Tento to always make a work that pleases the vocês, internaltas. Any suggestion and claim, leave a commentary. Story with you to leave Its World In Music each better time.

rowan said...

Im in a public space and cant put the volume on. How did they lose the money in the end? It wasnt all in one day was it???!!