Gledwood's favourite video clips from Youtube and other sites.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Carpenters - Calling Occupants of Interplanetary Craft

The Carpenters are associated by some with a kind of twee, middle of the road, nondangerous, easy-listening mediocrity.

This here track kinda breaks that mould.

Far as I know it's the original promo video ::


Wayward Son said...

A long time ago when Todd Haynes ( I'm Not There (2007), Corporate Ghost (2004), Far from Heaven (2002) Velvet Goldmine (1998), Safe (1995), Poison (1991) was graduating film school at NYU, one could rent at Rare Bird Video a bootleg copy of the graduating class' movie thesis, Super Star, The Karen carpenter Story. For the entire summer of 1988 my friends and I would all gather one weekend a month and have a party to show the movie to other friends who had yet to see the Karen Carpenter story portrayed by ... Barbie Dolls.

We would make fun of the smaltzy music that was so commercially successful against the backdrop of Viet Nam war. Never the less, we would all end up singing along for everyone knew the words. As Karen fell deeper and deeper into her illness, they cleverly melted her Barbie arms to illustrate the heinous look of a woman starving herself to death. The movie always began as a lark but each time left us with the feeling of having witnessed a very serious piece of art. This was because of the subject matter and the scathingly truthful way it told this poor woman's story. And they did the entire movie with dolls and the music of The Carpenters. Richard would never allow the commercial release of the music he owned the rights to. Without it, the story had no grit, only plastic.


Evil Spock said...

I want to see that movie soooooo bad! That sounds brilliant!

Sometimes a little schmaltz in your diet isn't necessarily a bad thing.

Off to find more Carpenters viddies on Youtube!